Advanced Numerical Methods for Scale-Resolving Simulations

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has emerged as a pivotal tool across various domains such as biomedicine and renewable energies, driven by advances in high performance computing and efficient numerical techniques. This Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to propel CFD towards the widespread adoption of reliable and cost-effective numerical methods for direct and large-eddy simulations of complex multi-scale and multi-physics flows. The group focuses on developing structure-preserving numerical methods that maintain key mathematical and physical properties, thereby enhancing physical fidelity and computational efficiency. With the CFD community encompassing diverse methodologies, including traditional lower-order schemes and high-order techniques, the SIG seeks to bridge gaps and foster collaboration. Additionally, the group aims to facilitate the implementation of these strategies in practical applications through collaboration with industries. Key activities include organizing symposia and workshops, promoting the integration of structure-preserving methods into open-source codes, and facilitating comparisons and evaluations of methods and models.


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