Open for registration
ERCOFTAC is proud to announce the second course on Computational Aeroacoustics.
This course is intended for researchers in industry and in academia including Ph.D. Students with a good knowledge in fluid mechanics, who would like to build up or widen their knowledge in the field of aeroacoustics (modeling, computational tools and industrial applications). It will first provide a comprehensive overview of recent insights of aeroacoustics theories (Lighthill’s analogy and vortex sound theory, extensive hybrid approaches and wave extrapolation methods, duct acoustics). A number of practical problems involving the coupling between CFD’s results and CAA will be also thoroughly discussed (e.g. how design a mesh size for aeroacoustics applications using large eddy simulation, inclusion of mean flow effects via hybrid formulations such as the acoustic perturbation equations, presence of surfaces, aeroacoustic couplings, …) and realistic applications performed by the instructors (aeronautics, car industry, propulsion, energy,…) will be discussed. Advanced computational aeroacoustics methods will be also presented as well as what we can learn from the direct computation of aerodynamic noise. Finally, specific topics reflecting participant interests will be discussed in a final round table session.
Fees; Members €640, Non-members €995
ERCOFTAC SIG39 Symposium 10th - 12th June 2024 Rome, Italy Objectives: The ERCOFTAC SIG39 Symposium, Coherent Structures in Aeroacoustics , will gather experts to discuss recent progress in the identification, understanding and modelling of coherent structures in turbulent flow. The
10 Jun 2024ERCOFTAC Workshop ASTROFLU VI 23rd - 24th May 2024 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (near Lyon, France) Coordinators: Prof. Claude Cambon Organisers: PC Henri Bénard , SIG35, SIG14 , SIG50 / LMFA Aim: The aim of our new ASTROFLU VI workshop is to once again gather, mainly in
23 May 2024ERCOFTAC Course Computational Aeroacoustics, IV 26th - 27th March 2024 TU Wien, Building BA, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien, Austria Organizers: Dr Christophe Bogey, LMFA UMR 5509, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France Prof Stefan Schoder, Institute of Fundamentals and Theory in
26 Mar 2024ERCOFTAC SIG39 Conference Aeroacoustic Installation Effects in Conventional and New Aircraft Propulsion Systems 22nd - 24th November 2023 Venue: HdW/bbw - Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg am Schillertheater 2, 10625 Berlin, Germany Deadline for registrations: 12th
22 Nov 2023ERCOFTAC Workshop ASTROFLU V 7th - 8th December 2021 Ecole Centrale de Lyon, amphi 203 Ecully (near Lyon, France) Coordinators: Prof. Claude Cambon and Prof. Tomas Bodnar Organisers: PC Henri Bénard , SIG35, SIG14 , SIG50 / LMFA Local scientific and organising committee
7 Dec 2021The DJINN-ENODISE Conference on ”Aeroacoustic Installation Effects in Conventional and New Aircraft Propulsion Systems” took place in Berlin on 22nd - 24th November 2023. The conference was co-organized by the VKI and CFD Berlin, with the organizing committee including people from the two
12 Dec 2023Computational Aeroacoustics, IV 26th - 27th March 2024 TU Wien, Building BA, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien, Austria Registration is now open!!! ERCOFTAC is proud to announce the forth edition of the course on "Computational Aeroacoustics". This course is intended for researchers in
5 Aug 2023