Dispersed Turbulent Two-Phase Flow

Purpose and focus of SIG

Dispersed turbulent two-phase flows are found in daily life and in numerous technical and industrial processes. Examples are pollutant transport in the atmosphere, sediment transport in rivers, fuel injection in engines, pneumatic transport, bubble column reactors and spray driers for food processing, to name only a few. Due to the interaction between the phases and the involved different time and length scales such processes are rather complicated and a theoretically based design and optimisation of processes is almost impossible. Moreover, a scale-up is generally not straight forward and quite often experiments at different scale size are required. All these issues initiated the application of CFD to dispersed two-phase flows probably more than 20 years ago. However, for performing reliable numerical computations of two-phase flows detailed models describing the interfacial transport and other relevant elementary processes, as for example, particle-wall collisions, inter-particle collisions, agglomeration and coalescence, are needed. Mostly, such a model development requires detailed experimental information. Nowadays also direct numerical simulation (DNS) with interface resolution has become a very powerful tool for analysing the desired elementary process.

The major objective of SIG 12 is the improvement of numerical predictions of dispersed turbulent two-phase flows and the associated models. This involves the following issues:

  • exchange of knowledge and results on elementary processes (experimental data and DNS results)
  • development of models for the numerical computation of dispersed multiphase flows and their validation (test case database)
  • definition and establishment of detailed test cases on dispersed two-phase flows for code validation
  • organisation of workshops on the numerical prediction of dispersed two-phase flows for exchanging ideas and developments
  • organisation of summerschools on experiments and numerical prediction for dispersed two-phase flows for the education of PhD students and other scientists from industry and academia
  • collaboration with industry related to process design and optimisation 

Activities of the SIG

      Best Practice Guidelines for Computational Fluid Dynamics of Dispersed Multiphase Flows, (Eds. M. Sommerfeld, B. van Wachem and R. Oliemans) Version 1, Printed October 2008

      Contributions to the ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base WIKI:

        • Spray evaporation in turbulent flow (M. Sommerfeld)
        • Particle-laden swirling flow (M. Sommerfeld)

      Data Base for Dispersed Two-Phase Flow Predictions:

      Various test cases for validating numerical predictions of dispersed two phase flows, such as confined particle-laden jet, dispersion of particles in a shear layer, particle laden vertical and horizontal channel flow, particle dispersion in swirling flow, circulating fluidised beds, and evaporating sprays are available at:

Best Practice Guidance Seminars:

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series: CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows, Innventia AB, Stockholm, Sweden, 7. – 8. June 2011

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series; CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows. University of Graz, Austria, 18. – 19. July 2012

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series; CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows. GE Global Research Center, Garching, 03. - 04. April 2014

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series; CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows. Imperial College, London, UK, 1 – 2 October 2015

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series; CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows. KTK Stockholm, Sweden, 10. – 11. October 2016

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series; CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows. OvGU University of Magdeburg, Germany, 20. – 21. November 2017

ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidance Series; CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows with problem shooting session. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, 15. – 16. October 2018

Past Technical Programme:


13th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Halle (Saale), 17. to 20. September 2012, organised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Sommerfeld, University of Halle

Test Cases: 

  • Sedimentation of a solid particle towards a plane wall; test case for fully resolved DNS (Ten Cate et al. 2002)
  • Small-scale liquid-solid fluidised bed with about 2000 particles and a mean volume fraction of 30% (data from University of Toulouse)
  • DNS data on droplet coalescence in homogeneous isotropic turbulence (data from IMF Toulouse)
  • Pneumatic conveying of fine particles through a horizontal glass pipe with a length of 5.5 m and a diameter of 80 mm (experimental data of Huber and Sommerfeld 1994)

(Report in ERCOFTAC Bulletin No. 89, 16-17, June 2013)

14th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Halle (Saale), 07. to 10. September 2015, organised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Sommerfeld, University of Halle

Test Cases:

  • Dense particle-laden free jet with different solids loading (Prof. J. Sinclair-Curtis)
  • Dispersion of rod-like particles in a free jet, ejected from a narrow pipe (G. P. Romano, Roma; Prof. C. Marchioli)

Bulletin Contributions:

THEME: Dispersed multiphase flow: From microscale to macroscale numerical modelling (Ed. M. Sommerfeld), Bulletin No. 82, March, 2010

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