Bulletin 40

Turbulence Closure Modelling

Turbulence Modelling and Model Validation for Engineering Flows
M.A. Leschziner, D. Drikakis, D.D. Apsley, B. Barakos, B. Batten, W.L. Chen and H. Loyau

Turbulence Modelling at ONERA/DMAE
B. Aupoix

Turbulence Modelling Research at UMIST
T.J. Craft, H. Iacovides and B.E. Launder

On the Modelling of Strongly Swirling Confined Flows Subjected to an Anisotropic Compression
S. Jakirlic, J. Volkert, H. Pascal, K. Hanjalic and C. Tropea

Calculations of Film Cooling at the Leading Edge of a Turbine Blade Model with an Anisotropic Eddy Viscosity/Diffusivity Model
D. Lakehal, G.S. Theodoridis and W. Rodi

Explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress and Reynolds Flux Modelling: A review of current activities at KTH
A. Johansson

Experimental Validation of a Turbulent Dissipation Model
J. Jovanovic, T. Schenk and F. Durst

Large Eddy Simulation for Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
L. Davidson

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