3rd - 5th September 2000

Sma Dalaro Gard, Stockholm, Sweden

Meeting report

This is a report from the fifth annual meeting of the Nordic ERCOFTAC Pilot Center, at Sma Dalaro Gard in the Stockholm Archipelago the 3rd to 5th of September, 2000. It was a well attended meeting with a number of participants from all of the four represented Nordic countries. The annual meeting has become an event which is appriciated and which few want to miss, not the least for the good locations of the meetings and the activities which our Nordic hosts arranges. This year there was an exciting combined dinner/excursion out to some of the outer islands in the archipelago. For those who were not there a list of participants and pictures documenting our activities are found below.

Information about ERCOFTAC activities during the past year was given as well as discussion of the future activities ofthe Nordic PC. A short summary is given below.

1) The activities of the Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC) and its SIG 101 on Quality and Trust in CFD has resulted in the publication of the "Best practice Guidelines" for usage of CFD tools. Rolf Karlsson informed about those interesting developments and more can be learned on the ERCOFTAC Coordination Center homepage under ERCOFTAC Publications.

2) The ERCOFTAC journal called "Flow, Turbulenceand Combustion" is now established and the members are urged to keep sending in manuscripts for publications. See also the ERCOFTAC Coordination Center homepage for information.

3) New database activities have started within ERCOFTAC. There is a web portal at where it is possible to access the Classic ERCOFTAC database a well as several new ones dealing with experiments, DNS/LES and flow visualizations.

4) The Nordic Pilot Center is involved in the organization of two workshops in the comming year. A SIG 33 workshop onFlow Control in Abisko in April, 2001 and the 2nd Draft Tube workshop in A"lvkarleby, June 18-19, 2001.

5) Discussion about how to increase the Nordicexchange, particularly of graduate studends, resulted in a decision to add material on the Nordic Pilot Center homepage which lists upcomming graduate courses. This primarily involves courses which are taught during concentrated intervals with several weeks bewteen each full dayof classes, so as to make it possible for attendees from afar.

6) The next annual meeting will be in Denmark. Preliminary dates are August 30-31, 2001.


At the conference there was an invited lecture byProf. Gustav Amberg from the department of Mechanics, KTH about applications of fluid mechanics in materials science and materials processes.

Some important phenomena covered were:

  • the influence of convection on solidification and phase change,
  • turbulent heat and mass transfer in the presence of electromagnetic forces,
  • modelling of two-phase flows that appear during solidification,
  • and thermocapillary convection in melts.

The program and lecture titles for all of the presentations can be found here.



Prof. Poul Scheel Larsen, DTU

Mr. Lars Voigt, DTU: "3-D calculation of flow in an enclosure using two-equation turbulence models"

Dr. Bjarne Stenum, Riso National Laboratory, Denmark: "The Force-Coupling method applied to particle motion in flow channels"


Prof. Antti Oksanen, TUT

Dr. Hannu Ahlstedt, TUT

Lic. Pentti Saarenrinne, TUT

Msc. Hannu Eloranta, TUT: "Identification and Analysis of Coherent Structures in PIV-Data"

Msc. Sanna Sierila, TUT: "Modelling of Low-NOx Burners"

Msc. Hanna Hakulinen, TUT: "Spray Characterization and In-Flame Measurements for Combustion of LFO at High Temperatures"

Msc. Petri Majander, Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics, HUT

Msc. Antti Hellsten, Laboratory of Aerodynamics,HUT: "Explicit Algebraic Reynolds-Stress Modelling in Decelerating andSeparating Flows"


Prof. Helge Andersson, NTNU: "3D boundary layer of a power-law fluid over a rotating disk"

Prof. P-A* Krogstad, NTNU: "Axisymmetric contraction of fully developed pipe flow"

Prof. Arnold F. Bertelsen, Oslo Univ.: "A new solution for the inner region in turbulent wall flows"


Prof. Arne Johansson, KTH

Prof. Gustav Amberg, KTH: "Applications of fluid mechanics in materials science and materials processes"

Prof. Dan Henningson, KTH

Mr. Bjorn Lindgren, KTH: "Flow separation in an asymmetric diffuser"

Mr. Arnim Bruger, KTH: "Development of a higher-order finite difference code for DNS in complex geometries"

Mr. Markus Hogberg, KTH: "Optimal control of transition in channel flows"

Prof. Tom Bewley, UCSD: "Turbulence management in industrial flow systems via adjoint-based DNS"

Prof. Jesper Oppelstrup, NADA/PSCI: "Research activities at the competence center PSCI"

Dr. Ingemar Lindblad, FFA

Dr. Ardeshir Hanifi, FFA: "Application of adjoint methods in flow control"

Dr. Said Zharai, ABB Corp. Res: "Fluid Mechanics in Industrial Material-related Processes"

Prof. Hakan Gustavsson, LTU

Mr. Fredrik Engstrom, LTU: "Experiments in an asymmetric diffusor: Scope and first results"

Prof. Rolf Karlsson, Vattenfall Utveckling: "Research activities at the FaxenLaboratory"

Prof. Henrik Alfredsson, KTH

Mr. Jens Fransson, KTH: "Boundary layer suction over a porous plate"

Prof. Lennart Lofdahl, CTH

Prof. Laszlo Fuchs, LTH

Dr. Johan Revstedt, LTH: "Differential diffusion in an impinging jet"

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