This is a report from the second annual meeting of the Nordic PC, which was held in Ebeltoft, Denmark, September 4-5, 1997.
First of all I would like to thank all of the participants for a successful meeting. It was very good to get an insight into what is going on in the area of experimental fluid mechanics in the Nordic countries. For those who were not there a list of participants and a copy of the program is included at the end ofthis file.
In addition to the research seminars, information about ERCOFTAC activities during the past year was given as well as discussion of the future activities of the Nordic PC. A short summaryis given below.
1) A report on the ERCOFTAC future strategy was prepared by the Chairman Phil Hutchinson, where the main conclusions were:
- ERCOFTAC aims to be the leading European association of research, education and industry groups in the technology of flow, turbulence and combustion.
- ERCOFTAC should influence the strategy of National, European and international organizations in the are of flow turbulence and combustion.
- ERCOFTAC should foster interplay between the needs of industry and the results from the scientific and engineering research base.
Major recommendations included a review of existing pilot centers, a review of administration and financial structures, a modified fee structure and the foundation of the Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC).
2) ERCOFTAC aims at publishing its own scientific journal to be called "Flow, Turbulence and Combustion". It will be published by Kluwer and replace "Applied Scientific Research". The first issue will appear during 1998.
3) The Nordic PC have gained two additional members during the past year. The International Research Center for Computational Hydromechanics in Denmark and ABB Corporate Research in Sweden.
4) A new special interest group has been established called "Laminar-Turbulent Transition Mechanisms, Predictionand Control", where Germany North PC and the Nordic PC are involved.
5) The Second Summer school on Turbulence and Transition Modelling will take place at KTH June 10-16, 1998. The invited speakers will be Danial Arnal, ONERA, Uwe Dallmann, DLR, RainerFriedrich, TU Munich, Sanjiva Lele, Stanford, Olivier Matais, Grenoble,Jim Riley, Univ Washington. See the full announcement at the Nordic PC homepage.
6) A workshop on CFD for flows in water turbines will take place at Porjus, Sweden. See the full announcement at the Nordic PC homepage.
7) The organization of the Nordic PC will continue to be informal, with a coordinator and a national representative from each member Nordic country. Today we have the following persons representing the PC:
- Coordinator and Swedish representetive: Dan Henningson, FFA/KTH
- Danish representative: Poul Larsen, TUD
- Finnish representative: Seppo Laine, HUT
- Norwegian representative: Helge Andersson, NTH
8) The representatives in the ERCOFTAC Committees were decided to be the following:
- Managing Board: Dan Henningson and Rolf Karlsson
- Scientific Program Committee: Dan Henningson
- Industrial Advisory Committee: Rolf Karlsson
9) The next annual meeting will be in Finland at the end of August 1998, with a theme on "Industrial Fluid Mechanics".
Thanks again for a good meeting,
Dan Henningson, Coordinator
SWEDEN: (14)
1. Prof. Henrik Alfredsson, KTH Specialist lecture: "Hot-wire anemometry"
2. Prof. Lennart Lofdahl, CTH, Specialist lecture: "Silicon sensors used for turbulence research"
3. Prof. Dan Henningson, FFA/KTH "Nat'l delegate report/Report on ERCOFTAC"
4. Prof. Rolf Karlsson, Vattenfall "LDA techniques"
5. Dr. Rickard Gebart, LuTH, "Errors from near wall treatment in computation of complex flows"
6. Dr. Bai, LTH "Structure of flamlets in combustion of hydrocarbons"
7. Civ. Ing. Stellan Berlin, KTH "Numerical and physical experiments on oblique transition"
8. Civ. Ing. Carl Haggmark, Mechanics, KTH "Physical experiments on a transitional separation bubble"
9. Civ. Ing. Casper Hildings, KTH "Numerical experiments on a transitional separation bubble"
10. Civ. Ing. Jens Osterlund, KTH "Experiments on tubulent boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers"
11. Prof. Arne Johansson, KTH
12. Prof. Laszlo Fuchs, LTH
13. Civ Ing. Johan Revstedt, LTH
14. Civ. Ing. Stephen Conway, LTH
15. Prof. Helge I.Andersson, NTNU, "EFD and its role in CFD" - Specialist lecture - and "Nat'l delegate report"
16. Prof. Per-Aage Krogstad, "Convection velocities of large scale motion in a turbulent boundary layer"
17. Prof.Arnold F. Bertelsen, "Fully developed dispersed pipe flow. Measurements and modelling".
18. Ph.D.student Lars.E.Torbergsen, "Invariants and axisymmetry in fully developed turbulent pipe flow"
19. Prof. Seppo Laine, HUT, "Nat'l delegate report"
20. Lic.Techn. Pentti Saarenrinne,TUT, "Measurements in a mixing tank with LDA and PIV"
21. Lab.manager, Kari Saari,HUT, "Studies of seeding particle velocity slip in a circular free jet using a LDA"
22. PhD student Pasi Kemppainen from HUT
23. Mr. Reijo Munther, TEKES (Technology Development Centre).
24. Mr. Reko-Antti Suojanen, CSC.
25. Dr.Jens Peter Lynow, Risoe
26. Dr.Bjarne Stenum, " Drift velocities of forced monopoles in a parabolic tank.
27. Dr.Niels Sorensen, RISO, "Turbulence models for boundary layer on rotating wing"
28. Prof.Preben Buchhave, OpticsGroup, FYS, DTU, "State-of-the-art and furture development in PIV" - Spec.L
29. Prof.Poul S.Larsen, DTU, "Nat'l delegate report"
30. Adjunkt, Knud Erik Meyer, DTU, "Tube-bundle heat transfer"
31. Ph.D.student Lisbeth Myllerup
32. Mr. Reko-Antti Suojanen, CSC
Thursday, Sept.4th
10.00-12.00 arrival
12.00-13.00 lunch
13.00-13.10 Welcome (Poul S.Larsen)
13.10-13.40 Report on ERCOFTAC and Nordic PC (Dan Henningson)
13.40-15.00 National overview
(topics: graduate schools for Ph.D.s, special research trends, centers, funding, etc.)
13.40-14.00 Sweden
14.00-14.20 Norway
14.20-14.40 Finland
14,40-15.00 Denmark
15.00-15.30 Coffee
15.30-16.00 EFD Theme no.1 Prof. Helge I.Andersson, NTNU, "EFD and its role in CFD"
16.00-18.00 Research topics (20 minutes, incl. questions, for each)
1. Prof. Rolf Karlsson, Vattenfall "LDA techniques"
2. Dr. Rickard Gebart, LuTH, "Errors from near wall treatment in computation of complex flows"
3. Dr. Bai, LTH "Structure of flamlets in combustion of hydrocarbons"
4. Civ. Ing. Stellan Berlin, KTH "Numerical and physical experiments on oblique transition"
5. Civ. Ing. Carl Haggmark, KTH "Physical experiments on a transitional separation bubble"
6. Civ. Ing. Casper Hildings, KTH "Numerical experiments on a transitional separation bubble"
18.15-19.45 Visit to 'Fregatten Jylland'
20.00 Dinner
Friday, Sept.5th
8.30- 9.00 EFD Theme no.2 Prof. Henrik Alfredsson, KTH, "Hot-wire anemometry"
9.00-10.00 Research topics (20 minutes, incl. questions, for each)
7. Prof. Per-Aage Krogstad, "Convection velocities of large scale motion in a turbulent boundary layer"
8. Prof..Arnold F. Bertelsen, "Fully developed dispersed pipe flow. Measurements and modelling"
9. Ph.D.stud. Lars.E.Torbergsen, "Invariants and axisymmetry in fully developed turbulent pipe flow"
10.00-10.30 Coffee
10.30-11.00 EFD Theme no.3 Prof.Preben Buchhave, DTU, "State-of-the-art and furture development in PIV"
11.00-12.00 Research topics (20 minutes, incl. questions, for each)
10. Lic.Techn. Pentti Saarenrinne,TUT, "Measurements in a mixing tank with LDA and PIV"
11. Lab.manager, Kari Saari,HUT, "Studies of seeding particle velocity slip in a circular free jet using LDA"
12. Civ. Ing. Jens Osterlund, KTH "Experiments on tubulent boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers"
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 EFD Theme no.4 Prof. Lennart Lofdahl, CTH, "Silicon sensors used for turbulence research "
14.00-15.00 Research topics (20 minutes, incl. questions, for each)
13. Dr.Bjarne Stenum, " Drift velocities of forced monopoles in a parabolic tank"
14. Dr.Niels Sorensen, RISO, "Turbulence models for boundary layer on rotating wing"
15. Adjunkt, Knud Erik Meyer, DTU, "Tube-bundle heat transfer"
15.00-15.30 Coffee
15.30-16.00 Future activities of ERCOFTAC Nordic PC
16.00-16.30 Closing
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