The 14th meeting of ERCOFTAC’s Nordic Pilot Centre (NPC) took place on Monday May 31st and Tuesday June 1st, 2010 in Skodsborg, close to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Pilot Centre meetings have been held regularly since the first meeting in Sweden back in 1996. The purpose of the meetings is to exchange information about the ongoing research activities in the Nordic countries in various fields of flow, turbulence and combustion and also to create an informal atmosphere for discussions on developments in funding policies, new initiatives and political constraints in the various countries.
This year the 14th NPC meeting was held at a small conference center called “Rolighed” (which means “quietness”) situated 22 km north of Copenhagen. The place is in a large park and has a nice view over Øresund to Sweden. The close by forest and coast line offer nice walks. See more details at their website: The conference center was located 2,5 km north of Skodsborg trainstation. This station has direct connections to Copenhagen Airport and Sweden (Malmø, Lund, Helsingborg). The distance from the conference center to Copenhagen Airport is 32 km.
There was no fee for the meeting. The fee for the hotel package was 2 595 DKK which includes single-room accommodation, lunch and a three-course dinner on Monday and breakfast and lunch on Tuesday, as well as coffee or tea during the breaks. Drinks were not included during dinner and evening.
Registration was required before April 28, 2010.
The 14th NPC meeting was organized by Dr. Knud Erik Meyer at DTU (The Technical University of Denmark) in Copenhagen in collaboration with the coordinator of the NPC Dr. Stefan Wallin at FOI/KTH in Stockholm.
For further information, please contact:
Knud Erik Meyer
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