ERCOFTAC Spring Festival 2012 & Committee Meetings

10th - 11th May, 2012

Finnish Meteorological Institute

Helsinki, Finland

ERCOFTAC's Spring Festival and Committee Meetings wee kindly hosted by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) on the 10th and 11th May 2012.

Dr. Antti Hellsten (FMI) and Prof. Jari Hämäläinen (LUT – Lappeenranta University of Technology)were the local organizers of the meeting.


- Thursday 10th May 2012: Scientific Meeting -

- Festival Dinner, Thursday evening: 19:30 in restaurant Karljohan located adjacent to Hotel Torni, at Yrjönkatu 26, 00100 Helsinki -

- Friday 11th May 2012: ERCOFTAC SPC, IPC and EC Committee Meetings -

Scientific Meeting programme:



Travel, accomodation* and other information:
