This summer school, following the first two issues held at Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, 2005 and Université de Provence, Marseille, 2008, aims at offering an up-to-date introduction to different aspects of turbulence and mixing in compressible flows as encountered in a wide range of situations and disciplines, including aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, combustion and astrophysics. The lectures and courses cover theoretical, experimental and numerical aspects. It is expected that the diversity of the themes addressed will be intellectually stimulating and boost fruitful cross-fertilization.
This summer school will combine extended introduction courses and shorter invited presentations. Each student will be invited to give a seminar on his/her ongoing work and the programme will be scheduled so that enough time will be allocated, not only for interaction between lecturers and students, but also to foster cross fertilization between disciplines. Hopefully some new ideas will emerge.
A.J. Smits (Princeton University)
- Structure of supersonic turbulent boundary layers and the effects of strong distorsions
- Hypersonic turbulent boundary layers and the need for basic experiments
J.P. Dussauge (IUSTI Marseille)
- Basic concepts in compressible turbulence; Kovasznay modes
- Boundary layers and Strong Reynolds Analogies
- Compressible mixing layers
- Shock/boundary layer interactions: experimental aspects
B. Aupoix (ONERA Toulouse)
- One-point closures for compressible flows
T.B. Gatski (Institut P’, Poitiers & Old Dominion University, Norfolk)
- Recent developments in the modeling of compressible turbulence
J.P. Bonnet (Institut P’, Poitiers)
- Shock and turbulence interactions in homogeneous and inhomogeneous free shear flows
J. Sesterhenn (TU Berlin)
- High-order schemes for DNS and LES of compressible flows
- Aeroacoustic noise ; jet noise
P. Jordan (Institut P’, Poitiers)
- Sound source mechanisms in high speed jets
C. Cambon (LMFA Lyon)
- Spectral approaches to compressible turbulence
- Linear and weakly nonlinear theory and modelling.
J.M. Redondo (Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
- Mixing efficiency in shock induced instabilities
- Multifractal and structure function high order analysis in compressible flows
D. Veynante (Ecole Centrale de Paris)
- Introduction to combustion phenomena
- Turbulent combustion and its modelling
A. Mura (Institut P’ Poitiers)
- Combustion in supersonic flows
D. Gillet (Obs. Astronomique Marseille Provence)
- Hypersonic shock waves and turbulence from the earth to stellar atmospheres
Schedule: tmcf3_timetable_draft_v2-01.pdf
Flyer: tmcf3_flyer.pdf
The lectures will be held on Oléron Island: , CNRS vacation centre "La Vieille Perrotine",
A special bus will be available near La Rochelle station (TGV), on Sunday Aug. 29th, departure about 4pm (depending on the arrival of the participants). Return on Saturday September 4th, about 4.30 pm.
Nearest airport : La Rochelle
The nearest village is 1.5kms away from “La Vieille Perrotine", from which push bikes are available free of charge.
Limited possibilties of family accommodation exist:
Detailed information and timetable will be regularly updated on this page
Pre-registration and registration have to be performed on line via
The number of places is limited, and registration will be performed on a "first come first served" basis.
Full rate (single room) | € 600 |
Reduced rate (twin room) | € 450 |
These fees include access to lectures, printed material, coffee breaks and full board (12 meals, 6 nights) at "La Vieille Perrotine", together with bus transportation from and to La Rochelle (arrival before supper on Sunday August 29 and departure on Saturday September 4, after lunch).
The reduced rate is reserved for graduate and PhD students, post docs, and members of ERCOFTAC institutions.
Registration deadline: July 2, 2010
Registration is free of charge for the first 7 CNRS employees to pre-register.
If you want to bring kids or accompanying persons, please e-mail before final registration.
Proof of student status and/or ERCOFTAC membership of your institution should be provided by e-mail during the pre-registration process to benefit from the reduced rate.
If the budget permits, a limited number of student scholarships covering the reduced-rate registration fees will be available for students from ERCOFTAC-affiliated labs in hardship (also send CV + recommendation letter).
The registration and accommodation fees can be paid either online by credit card or, for French participants, by check or purchase order.
After Saturday July 2, and until the end of July, an alternate procedure will be set up for payment by check or purchase order (French institutions only) with 15% additional cost.