The European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meetings have proven to be a very attractive series of workshops on drag reduction and flow control. They are organized by the ERCOFTAC Special Interest Group SIG20 Drag Reduction and Flow Control. Within this SIG, a coordination of experimental, numerical and analytical research into drag reduction and flow control using passive and active techniques is carried out.
• Riblets, dimpled surfaces, compliant walls, polymer and surfactant additives, wall and flow oscillations, optimal and suboptimal control, local blowing/suction, electro-magnetic control, plasma flow control, etc.
• Special sessions on plasma flow control and drag reduction by structured surfaces.
Abstracts are limited to 2 pages including figures. A Latex template can be downloaded here. Please submit your abstract in electronic form (PDF or Postscript) by emailing to All accepted abstracts will be printed in a Book of Abstracts to be handed at the meeting to registered participants.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2010
Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2010
The workshop will be held at the Health center “Pustcha-Ozerna” in a picturesque suburb of Kiev.
The registration fee will be 180 EUR (160 EUR for ERCOFTAC members), which includes the Book of Abstracts, an excursion to nearby historic sites and a conference dinner. Limited funding is available for students to cover part of the travel expenses and/or the registration fee.
Coordinator of SIG20 Drag Reduction and Flow Control and main organizer:Prof. Kwing-So Choi
University of Nottingham
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 115 951 3792
Local Organizers:
Prof. Gennadii Voropaiev
Institute of Hydromechanics
Phone: +38 44 3716517
Dr. Nataliya Rozumnyuk
Institute of Hydromechanics
Phone: +38 44 3716539