Ercoftac Autumn Festival 2009
1-2nd October 2009
Lausanne, Switzerland
Thursday 1st October
8:30-9:00 Registration and Coffee, Room CO 011
9:00-12:00 Presentations by ERCOFTAC Special Interest Group coordinators and members
- Anthony Hutton - The emerging role of hybrid simulations
- Jari Hämäläinen - Fibre suspension flows: State-of-the-art modeling and experiments
- Anton van Steenhoven -Bio-thermal modelling of patients under hypothermic conditions
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
- Sedat Tardu - Microfluidics: State-of-the-art
- René Oliemans - Best practice guidelines for computational turbulent dispersed multiphase flows
- Michael Leschziner - Simulation of synthetic jets
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-17:30 The ERCOFTAC 'da Vinci 2009 Doctoral Thesis Award', Room CO 011
Presentations by the finalists, followed by the awards ceremony
- BenjaminBohm - Experiments for the validation of LES: Turbulence-flameinteractions in extinguishing turbulent opposed jet flames - TUDarmstadt, Germany.
- Angela Ferrari -A new parallel 3D SPH scheme for free surface flows - University of Trento, Italy.
- Sven Grundmann - Transition control using dielectric-barrier discharge actuators - TU Darmstadt, Germany.
- Florian Schwertfirm - Direct simulation and modelling of micromixing in high Schmidt number flows - TU Munchen, Germany.
- JeroenWitteveen - Efficient and robust uncertainty quantification forcomputational fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction - TUDelft, The Netherlands.
Friday 2nd October
- SPC Committee meeting, Room CO 122
- IPC Committee meeting, Room CO 123
12:00-14:00 Buffet lunch
14:00-17:00 Managing Board and General Assembly meetings, Room CO 122
- There is no registration fee for the ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival or the committee meetings.
- Coffee and refreshments will be provided.
- Lunch on the 1st of October is at the participant's cost at one of the many restaurants on the EPFL campus.
- The cost of the evening meal on the 1st October is covered personally by those attending.
- Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodation in Lausanne.
- Documents for the committee meetings will be distributed in the coming weeks.
See also