8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium

Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM8)

9th - 11th June 2010, Marseille, France




Other Information:

Official Conference Website (not active)

Rationale and Aims

The ETMM series of symposia aims to provide a bridge between researchers and practitioners in Flow, Turbulence and Combustion by exposing progress in the predominantly applied, industrially-oriented areas of turbulence research.  This includes the development, improvement and application of statistical closures, simulation methods and experimental techniques for complex flow conditions that are relevant to engineering practice; the modelling of interactions between turbulence and chemistry, dispersed phases and solid structures; and the symbiosis of modelling, simulation and experimental research. 


Major Themes

  • Novel modelling and simulation methods for practically relevant turbulent flows, including interaction with heat and mass transfer, combustion and multi-phase transport
  •  Novel experimental techniques for flow, turbulence and combustion and new experimental studies and data sets
  •  Innovative applications of modelling, simulation and experimental techniques to complex flows, industrial configurations and optimisation problems
  •  High-speed aerodynamics, acoustics and flow control
  •  Modelling, simulation and measurements of environmental flows