Stefania Cherubini Linear and non-linear global instability attached and separated flows over a flat plate.
Srikrishna Sahu Experimental investigation of two-phase interaction in a polydisperse spray.
Matthias Kinzel Experimental investigation of turbulence under the influence of system rotation
Oliver Buxton The final scale features of turbulent shear flows.
Rainer Dahms Analyzing spark ignition phenomena in spray-guided gasoline engines, SparkCIMM - A new non-spherical and non-unity Lewis number ignition model.
Christian Beck Analysis of NOx formation in lean spray flames withpartial prevaporization.
Oliver Buxton, Imperial College London, for his paper on:
'The fine scale features of turbulent shear flows'
His research "makes use of state of the art laser diagnostic techniques to make fully three-dimensional measurements as well as instantaneous synchronised multi-scale measurements of the (dissipative) small scale motions possible, for the first time".
Download the winning presentation: oliver_buxton_davinci_presentation_v1.pdf