Abstract Submission
Papers will be selected on the basis of at least two reviews of Abstracts by experts from the Scientific Committee, with additional arbitration exercised by a Papers Committee. Abstracts should be no longer than 3 pages (with typeface not smaller than 10 pt), one of which should typically contain graphical illustrations of key results. Abstracts should include research rationale, methodology, results and major conclusions, and a sentence on additional results that will be included in the final paper and presentation.
Abstract submission deadline: 12 March 2025
Submission Process
- Sign up or use your existing ETMM or DLES login at www.easyacademia.org/etmm15
- Click on Start a New Submission on the top right to enter the submission process.
- Select the appropriate track, either main conference or a mini symposium.
- Enter the required information, such as title and a short summary (< 300 words) of your abstract.
- Under Authors please input details for each author of the abstract. At least one author must be marked as presenter and / or correspondent. Only authors marked as correspondents will receive updates and information regarding the submission.
- Upload your abstract as a PDF document.
- Under Summary you may check the details of the submission. If you wish to go back to a section in order to change details, just click on the appropriate step on the left.
- If you are happy with the summary information, please click on Submit Now to finalize the process, and a notification e-mail will be sent to the correspondents.
Extended Paper for Proceedings
Accepted contributions will be asked to submit a extended paper for the conference proceedings, which will be distributed at the symposium. Templates and style guidelines will be provided on the Proceedings Paper page.