The ERCOFTAC Workshop ”3D Wakes”
took place on the 10th, 11th and 12th April 2024 at Imperial College in London, UK.

Each of the four half day sessions, starting Wednesday afternoon and ending Friday after lunch, was introduced by a 1 hour invited talk. There were 20 presentations across all sessions, each of 20 minutes from representatives of the UK, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Poland, UAE, Switzerland and Morocco. In total,48 researchers registered for the workshop.The participants were able to exchange ideas during coffee breaks(4), lunches(2), the guided lab tour of the wind tunnels (split into two groups) and a pub dinner (at participants’ own cost).


From left to right, first invited talk of the ”3DWakes” workshop by B.Podvin, the audience of the lecture hall and the room for breaks and lunches.

The meeting reinforced the European network with the already established connections between the members of the SIG47 steering committee and will foster new ones.To conclude the meeting, a dedicated session of 1 hour chaired by the workshop chair - persons engaged in a discussion with the participants about the future SIG47 aims and objectives and its evolution. It has been acknowledged that stability, transition, modelling, control & drag
reduction with both physical and data-driven approaches of three-dimensional wakes featuring separation constitute a well defined specific scientific area requiring knowledge exchanges.These may include interactions between different communities all investigating 3D wakes for different applications.The size of the meeting was considered as extremely beneficial for PhD students who were able to easily obtain answers to their specific questions.

Future workshops are expected to occur every about 1.5 years with different locations across Europe.