(Left to right) Amir Keshmiri (Chair of Organizing Committee), Brian Launder, Hilde Metzger (poster joint winner), Neelakash Biswas, Thomas Howarth, James Shemilt (oral runner-up), Chris Goodwin
(oral winner), Sam Hartharn-Evans (oral runner-up), Theofilos Boulafentis, Joseph Kilbride, Andrew Kirby, Muting Hao (poster joint winner), Dominique Laurence, Peter Stansby.

The annual Osborne Reynolds Day took place on the 5th July 2023. It was hosted by the University of Manchester, UK, and organized together with the UK Fluids Network. The event was dedicated to showcasing the best recently completed doctoral research projects in fluid mechanics in the UK. This year edition hosted: 8 oral presenters, with one winner and two runners-up, and 11 posters, with two joint winners.


The Osborne Reynolds 2024 Oral Winner was:

  • Chris Goodwin (Centre of Gravity, University of Nottingham) for his research project "Visualizing Quantum Turbulence in Superfluid Helium-4 in the T → 0 Limit"

The Osborne Reynolds 2024 Poster Winners were:

  • Muting Hao (University of Oxford) "Turbulence and Heat Transfer in Film Cooling of Gas Turbines"
  • Hilde Metzger (University of Glasgow) "The Subharmonic Route to Acoustic Chaos Revisited: the Mechanism of Broadband Clearing in Cavitation Emissions"

The runners-up were:

  • Sam Hartharn-Evans (Northumbria University) "Experimental & Numerical Modelling of Boundary Effects on Internal Solitary Waves"    
  • James Shemilt (University of Manchester) "Modelling Inhaled Drug Deposition and Mucus Plug Formation in Cystic Fibrosis"

The f​inalists:

  • Neelakash Biswas (Imperial College London) "Unravelling the Multiscale Dynamics in Wind Turbine Wakes"
  • Theofilos Boulafentis (University College London) "Elasto-Inertial Turbulence in Taylor-Couette Flows"        
  • Thomas Howarth (RWTH Aachen University) "Direct Numerical Simulation and Modelling of Thermodiffusively-Unstable Lean Premixed Hydrogen Flames and High-Pressure Micromix Combustors"
  • Joseph Kilbride (University of Edinburgh) "The Evaporation of Multiple Sessile Droplets"
  • Andrew Kirby (University of Oxford) "Impact of Farm-scale Flows on Wind Farm Efficiency"

    Chris will now go forward as the UK candidates to the Da Vinci Competition organized by ERCOFTAC 


    (Left to right) David Standingford, Brian Launder, Amir Keshmiri (Chair of Organizing Committee), Hilde Metzger (poster joint winner), James Shemilt (oral runner-up), Chris Goodwin (oral winner), Sam Hartharn-Evans (oral runner-up), Muting Hao (poster joint winner), Dominique Laurence, Peter Stansby.


