Turbulence modelling of wall bounded turbulent natural convection:
a re-assessment using state-of-the-art massively parallel DNS
The workshop was focused on turbulent natural convection in wall bounded flows. The test cases were differentially heated vertical channel flows and differentially heated square cavities, supported by Direct Numerical Simulations.
Participants from both academy and university submitted results and discussed state-of-the art RANS, hybrid RANS-LES and LES turbulence models. Laminarization and transition to turbulence in buoyancy-driven flows remains a challenging topic for turbulence models. Also remarkable were the challenging discussions regarding the near-wall behavior of turbulent quantities depending on the thermal boundary condition : having an imposed temperature, an imposed heat flux, a heat exchange coefficient or fluid-solid thermal coupling strongly impacts temperature and heat flux fluctuations near the wall.
The lectures and proceedings can be downloaded from the website of the workshop: http://r4.ijs.si/sig15ws2019/.