We hope you all found the ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival 2024
enlightening, insightful and enjoyable!
Thank you to the PC United Kingdomand Imperial College London:
Prof. Oliver BUXTON
Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London
Oliver was ERCOFTAC Da Vinci winner in 2010 and this year he hosted ERCOFTAC Da Vinci finals with his PhD student being a finalist.
Congratulations Oliver on your achievements and thank you for being ERCOFTAC member!
From left: Prof Oliver Buxton, Prof Dominic von Terzi
Rafael Palacios (Imperial College London)
Sebastian Eastham (Imperial College London)
Irene Dedoussi (University of Cambridge)
Jennifer Wen (Uniersity of Surrey)
Maarten van Reeuwijk (Imperial College London)
Emily Manchester (University of Manchester)
Paul Bruce (Imperial College London)
Paul Bruce (Imperial College London)
Lidia Caros Roca (Imperial College London)
Shane Windsor (University of Bristol)
Shane Windsor (University of Bristol)
Shane Windsor (University of Bristol)
Presentations are available here
The Festival is hosted by the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial in association with the Brahmal Institute for Sustainable Aviation
The Autumn Festival is sponsored by Zenotech Ltd.