10th Leonardo Da Vinci Competition 2015

15th October 2015


The five finalists of the 2015 Da Vinci Competition in front of a replica
of one of Leonardo’s flying machines in the Da Vinci museum in Vinci.
From left to right: Drs. Kidanemariam, Page, Lozano-Duran,
Ostilla-Monico and Heitkam

Aman G. Kidanemariam
(Karlruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Hydrodynamics)
The formation of patterns in subaqueous sediment



Jacob Page (Imperial College, Department of Mechanical Eng., London, UK)
From rolls to streaks and from waves to sheets: Unravelling the dynamics of viscoelastic turbulence

Adrian Lozano-Durán (Technical University of Madrid, School of Aeronautics, Spain)
Tracking eddies in wall-bounded turbulence

Sascha Heitkam (TU Dresden, Institute of Fluid Mechanic, Germany)
Manipulation of liquid metal foam with electromagnetic fields – a numerical study interview available here ​

Rodolfo Ostilla Mónico (University of Twente, Physics of Fluids Group, the Netherlands)
Highly turbulent Taylor-Couette flow: direct numerical simulations interview available here ​


Date: ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival 2015, 14th - 16th October 2015
Hosted by PC Italy: Museo Leonardiano, Vinci, Firenze, Italy